Saturday, October 6, 2007

Somaya Reece

Somaya Reece, whose name means “beautiful child,” was born in California of Puerto Rican, Belizan, and Hawaiian roots. Raised in South Central, L.A. , an infamously violent and poverty-riddled neighborhood, Somaya's intensely creative side led to dreams of being an actress. While growing up in a small house with her mother and father, brother, and three sisters could sometimes be a bit claustrophobic, young Somaya busied herself with school and extracurricular activities including after-school programs, and finding her singing in order to further her education, Somaya refused to allow the sometimes overwhelming negativity of her surroundings to consume her, yet she is still proud of her roots and beginnings. At the young age of fourteen, Somaya learned of the importance of self-reliance, and in the noble pursuit of a better life for her entire household taught herself to speak both English and Spanish fluently in order to enter corporate America , help support her family, and study theater. Somaya had dreams of a better life, and wasted no time pursuing them. voice in Church and Sunday School.

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